The <Transition> component can be used when flipping through elements, so that it looks good when a new element becomes visible, and when an old element is removed. Fill the blanks so that the old element is completely removed before the new element is added:
<Transition @(4)="@(6)">
<img src="/img_pizza.svg" v-if="imgActive === 'pizza'">
<img src="/img_apple.svg" v-else-if="imgActive === 'apple'">
<img src="/img_cake.svg" v-else-if="imgActive === 'cake'">
<img src="/img_fish.svg" v-else-if="imgActive === 'fish'">
<img src="/img_rice.svg" v-else-if="imgActive === 'rice'">
<Transition mode="out-in">
<img src="/img_pizza.svg" v-if="imgActive === 'pizza'">
<img src="/img_apple.svg" v-else-if="imgActive === 'apple'">
<img src="/img_cake.svg" v-else-if="imgActive === 'cake'">
<img src="/img_fish.svg" v-else-if="imgActive === 'fish'">
<img src="/img_rice.svg" v-else-if="imgActive === 'rice'">
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