Vue Slots

Slots are a powerful feature in Vue that allow for more flexible and reusable components.

We use slots in Vue to send content from the parent into the <template> of a child component.


So far we have just used components inside <template> as self-closing tags like this:


  <slot-comp />

Instead, we can use opening and closing tags, and put some content inside, like for example a text:


  <slot-comp>Hello World!</slot-comp>

But to receive 'Hello World!' inside the component and display it on our page, we need to use the <slot> tag inside the component. The <slot> tag acts as a placeholder for the content, so that after the application is built the <slot> will be replaced by the content sent to it.



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Slots as Cards

Slots can also be used to wrap around larger chunks of dynamic html content to get a card-like appearance.

Earlier we have sent data as props to create content inside compoents, now we can just send the HTML content directly inside the <slot> tag as it is.



  <h3>Slots in Vue</h3>  
  <p>We create card-like div boxes from the foods array.</p>
  <div id="wrapper">
    <slot-comp v-for="x in foods">
      <img v-bind:src="x.url">

As the content enters the component where the <slot> is, we use a div around the <slot> and style the <div> locally to create a card-like appearance around the content without affecting other divs in our application.


  <div> <!-- This div makes the card-like appearance -->


<style scoped>
  div {
    box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
    border-radius: 10px;
    margin: 10px;
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Components that produce a card-like frame around content can be reused to create different elements, but with the same card-like frame around.

In this example we use the same component as for the food items to create a footer.



  <h3>Reusable Slot Cards</h3>
  <p>We create card-like div boxes from the foods array.</p>
  <p>We also create a card-like footer by reusing the same component.</p>
  <div id="wrapper">
    <slot-comp v-for="x in foods">
      <img v-bind:src="x.url">
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Fallback Content

If a component is created without content we can have fallback content in the <slot>.


The first component in this application has no content provided, so the fallback content is rendered.


  <h3>Slots Fallback Content</h3>
  <p>A component without content provided can have fallback content in the slot tag.</p>
    <!-- Empty -->
    <h4>This content is provided from App.vue</h4>


      <h4>This is fallback content</h4>
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Vue Exercises

Test Yourself With Exercises


When a text is provided between the start tag and end tag of a component like this:

<comp-one>Hello World!</comp-one>

The text provided can be received in the component using slots, like this:


Start the Exercise

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