PHP clearstatcache() Function

❮ PHP Filesystem Reference


Output file size, truncate file, clear cache, and then output file size again:

//output filesize
echo filesize("test.txt");
echo "<br />";

$file = fopen("test.txt", "a+");
// truncate file

//Clear cache and check filesize again
echo filesize("test.txt");

The output of the code above could be:


Definition and Usage

The clearstatcache() function clears the file status cache.

PHP caches data for some functions for better performance. If a file is to be checked several times in a script, you probably want to avoid caching to get correct results. To do this, use the clearstatcache() function.


clearstatcache(clear_realpath_cache, filename)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
clear_realpath_cache Optional. Indicates whether to clear the realpath cache or not. Default is FALSE, which indicates not to clear realpath cache
filename Optional. Specifies a filename, and clears the realpath and cache for that file only

Tips and Notes

Tip: Functions that are caching:

Technical Details

Return Value: Nothing
PHP Version: 4.0+
PHP Changelog: PHP 5.3 - Added two optional parameters: clear_realpath_cahe and filename

❮ PHP Filesystem Reference
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