onloadeddata Event


Call a function when data for the first video frame is available:

<video onloadeddata="myFunction()">
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More examples below.


The onloadeddata event occurs when a media frame is loaded, but does not guarantee that enough data is available to begin playing.

The onloadeddata event occurs after onloadedmetadata and before oncanplay.

Audio and Video Events

While loading a media, these events occur in the following order:

EventOccurs When
onloadstartThe loading of a media starts
ondurationchangeThe duration of a media is changed
onloadedmetadataThe meta data for a media has been loaded
onloadeddataA media frame is loaded
onprogressThe browser is loading a media
oncanplayAn element's scrollbar is being scrolled
oncanplaythroughThe browser estimates it can play a media
onplayA media starts to play
onplayingA media starts or resumes
ontimeupdateThe indicated time is changed
onendedA media has reached the end

Events that can occur while a media is loading or playing:

EventOccurs When
onabortThe loading of a media is aborted
onemptiedA media is empty (already loaded)
onerrorAn error occurs while loading a media
onpauseA media is paused
onratechangeThe playback rate is changed
onseekedA user has seeked a new media position
onseekingA user start seeking a new media position
onstalledMedia data is not available
onsuspendThe browser is not getting the media data
onvolumechangeThe volume of a media is changed
onwaitingA media is waiting for the next frame

See Also:

The <audio> Object
The <video> Object



<element onloadeddata="myScript">
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In JavaScript:

object.onloadeddata = function(){myScript};
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In JavaScript, using the addEventListener() method:

object.addEventListener("loadeddata", myScript);
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Technical Details

Bubbles: No
Cancelable: No
Event type: Event
HTML tags: <audio> and <video>
DOM Version: Level 3 Events

More Examples


Call a function when data for the first audio frame is available:

<audio onloadeddata="myFunction()">
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Browser Support

onloadeddata is a DOM Level 3 (2004) feature.

It is fully supported in all modern browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11

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