UTF-8 Emoji Earth and Sky


<p style="font-size:100px">&#127757;</p>
<p>I will display &#127757;</p>
<p>I will display &#x1F30D;</p>

Will display as:

I will display 🌍
I will display 🌍
Try it Yourself

Gloobe and Sky

Char Dec Hex Name
🌌1277561F30CMilky way
🌍1277571F30DEarth Africa
🌎1277581F30EEarth Americas
🌏1277591F30FEarth Asia
🌐1277601F310Globe Meridians

Moon Faces

Char Dec Hex Name
🌑1277611F311New moon
🌒1277621F312Waxing cresent moon
🌓1277631F313First quarter moon
🌔1277641F314Waxing gibbous moon
🌕1277651F315Full moon
🌖1277661F316Waining gibbous moon
🌗1277671F317Last quarter moon
🌘1277681F318Waining cresent moon
🌙1277691F319Cresent moon
🌚1277701F31ANew moon face
🌛1277711F31BFirst quarter moon face
🌜1277721F31CLast quarter moon face
🌝1277731F31DFull moon face

Sun and Stars

Char Dec Hex Name
🌞1277741F31ESun with face
🌟1277751F31FGlowing star
🌠1277761F320Shooting star

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