MS Access Replace() Function


Replace "i" with "a" in the string:

SELECT Replace("My name is Willy Wonka", "i", "a") AS ReplaceString;

Definition and Usage

The Replace() function replaces a substring within a string, with another substring, a specified number of times.


Replace(string1, find, replacement, start, count, compare)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string1 Required. The original string
find Required. The substring to search for in string1
replacement Required. The substring to replace find in string1
start Optional. The start position in string1 to begin the search. If omitted, start is 1
count Optional. The number of replaces to perform. If omitted, it will replace all occurrences of find with replacement
compare Optional. The type of string comparison.

Possible values:
-1: Use the setting of Option Compare
0: Binary comparison
1: Textual comparison
2: Comparison based on info in your database

Technical Details

Works in: From Access 2000

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