Sass Map Functions

Sass Map Functions

In Sass, the map data type represents one or more key/value pairs.

Tip: It is also possible to use the List functions from the previous page, with maps. Then the map will be treated as a list with two elements.

Sass maps are immutable (they cannot change). So, the map functions that return a map, will return a new map, and not change the original map.

The following table lists all map functions in Sass:

Function Description & Example
map-get(map, key) Returns the value for the specified key in the map.

$font-sizes: ("small": 12px, "normal": 18px, "large": 24px)
map-get($font-sizes, "small")
Result: 12px
map-has-key(map, key) Checks whether map has the specified key. Returns true or false.

$font-sizes: ("small": 12px, "normal": 18px, "large": 24px)
map-has-key($font-sizes, "big")
Result: false
map-keys(map) Returns a list of all keys in map.

$font-sizes: ("small": 12px, "normal": 18px, "large": 24px)
Result: "small", "normal, "large"
map-merge(map1, map2) Appends map2 to the end of map1.

$font-sizes: ("small": 12px, "normal": 18px, "large": 24px)
$font-sizes2: ("x-large": 30px, "xx-large": 36px)
map-merge($font-sizes, $font-sizes2)
Result: "small": 12px, "normal": 18px, "large": 24px, "x-large": 30px, "xx-large": 36px
map-remove(map, keys...) Removes the specified keys from map.

$font-sizes: ("small": 12px, "normal": 18px, "large": 24px)
map-remove($font-sizes, "small")
Result: ("normal": 18px, "large": 24px)
map-remove($font-sizes, "small", "large")
Result: ("normal": 18px)
map-values(map) Returns a list of all values in map.

$font-sizes: ("small": 12px, "normal": 18px, "large": 24px)
Result: 12px, 18px, 24px

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