Python String partition() Method

❮ String Methods


Search for the word "bananas", and return a tuple with three elements:

1 - everything before the "match"
2 - the "match"
3 - everything after the "match"

txt = "I could eat bananas all day"

x = txt.partition("bananas")

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Definition and Usage

The partition() method searches for a specified string, and splits the string into a tuple containing three elements.

The first element contains the part before the specified string.

The second element contains the specified string.

The third element contains the part after the string.

Note: This method searches for the first occurrence of the specified string.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
value Required. The string to search for

More Examples


If the specified value is not found, the partition() method returns a tuple containing: 1 - the whole string, 2 - an empty string, 3 - an empty string:

txt = "I could eat bananas all day"

x = txt.partition("apples")

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❮ String Methods

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