Python String ljust() Method

❮ String Methods


Return a 20 characters long, left justified version of the word "banana":

txt = "banana"

x = txt.ljust(20)

print(x, "is my favorite fruit.")
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Note: In the result, there are actually 14 whitespaces to the right of the word banana.

Definition and Usage

The ljust() method will left align the string, using a specified character (space is default) as the fill character.


string.ljust(length, character)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
length Required. The length of the returned string
character Optional. A character to fill the missing space (to the right of the string). Default is " " (space).

More Examples


Using the letter "O" as the padding character:

txt = "banana"

x = txt.ljust(20, "O")

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❮ String Methods

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