Python statistics.pstdev() Method

❮ Statistic Methods


Calculate the standard deviation from an entire population:

# Import statistics Library
import statistics

# Calculate the standard deviation from an entire population
print(statistics.pstdev([1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]))
print(statistics.pstdev([2, 2.5, 1.25, 3.1, 1.75, 2.8]))
print(statistics.pstdev([-11, 5.5, -3.4, 7.1]))
print(statistics.pstdev([1, 30, 50, 100]))
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Definition and Usage

The statistics.pstdev() method calculates the standard deviation from an entire population.

Standard deviation is a measure of how spread out the numbers are.

A large standard deviation indicates that the data is spread out, - a small standard deviation indicates that the data is clustered closely around the mean.

Tip: Standard deviation is (unlike the Variance) expressed in the same units as the data.

Tip: Standard deviation is the square root of sample variance.

Tip: To calculate the standard deviation from a sample of data, look at the statistics.stdev() method. 


statistics.pstdev(data, xbar)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
data Required. The data values to be used (can be any sequence, list or iterator)
xbar Optional. The mean of the given data (can also be a second moment around a point that is not the mean). If omitted (or set to None), the mean is automatically calculated

Note: If data is empty, it returns a StatisticsError.

Technical Details

Return Value: A float value, representing the population standard deviation of the given data
Python Version: 3.4

❮ Statistic Methods

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