Python Set intersection() Method

❮ Set Methods


Return a set that contains the items that exist in both set x, and set y:

x = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
y = {"google", "microsoft", "apple"}

z = x.intersection(y)

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Definition and Usage

The intersection() method returns a set that contains the similarity between two or more sets.

Meaning: The returned set contains only items that exist in both sets, or in all sets if the comparison is done with more than two sets.


set.intersection(set1, set2 ... etc)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
set1 Required. The set to search for equal items in
set2 Optional. The other set to search for equal items in.
You can compare as many sets you like.
Separate the sets with a comma

More Examples


Compare 3 sets, and return a set with items that is present in all 3 sets:

x = {"a", "b", "c"}
y = {"c", "d", "e"}
z = {"f", "g", "c"}

result = x.intersection(y, z)

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❮ Set Methods

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