Python Requests get() Method

❮ Requests Module


Make a request to a web page, and return the status code:

import requests

x = requests.get('')
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Definition and Usage

The get() method sends a GET request to the specified url.


requests.get(url, params={key: value}, args)

args means zero or more of the named arguments in the parameter table below. Example:

requests.get(url, timeout=2.50)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
url Try it Required. The url of the request
params Try it Optional. A dictionary, list of tuples or bytes to send as a query string.
Default None
allow_redirects Try it Optional. A Boolean to enable/disable redirection.
Default True (allowing redirects)
auth Try it Optional. A tuple to enable a certain HTTP authentication.
Default None
cert Try it Optional. A String or Tuple specifying a cert file or key.
Default None
cookies Try it Optional. A dictionary of cookies to send to the specified url.
Default None
headers Try it Optional. A dictionary of HTTP headers to send to the specified url.
Default None
proxies Try it Optional. A dictionary of the protocol to the proxy url.
Default None
stream Try it Optional. A Boolean indication if the response should be immediately downloaded (False) or streamed (True).
Default False
timeout Try it Optional. A number, or a tuple, indicating how many seconds to wait for the client to make a connection and/or send a response.
Default None which means the request will continue until the connection is closed
verify Try it
Try it
Optional. A Boolean or a String indication to verify the servers TLS certificate or not.
Default True

Return Value

The get() method returns a requests.Response object.

❮ Requests Module

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