Python Random triangular() Method

❮ Random Methods


Return a random number between, and included, 20 and 60, but most likely closer to 20:

import random

print(random.triangular(20, 60, 30))
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Definition and Usage

The triangular() method returns a random floating number between the two specified numbers (both included), but you can also specify a third parameter, the mode parameter.

The mode parameter gives you the opportunity to weigh the possible outcome closer to one of the other two parameter values.

The mode parameter defaults to the midpoint between the two other parameter values, which will not weigh the possible outcome in any direction.


random.triangular(low, high, mode)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
low Optional. A number specifying the lowest possible outcome.
Default 0
high Optional. A number specifying the highest possible outcome.
Default 1
mode Optional. A number used to weigh the result in any direction.
Default the midpoint between the low and high values

❮ Random Methods

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