Python True Keyword

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Print the result of the comparison "7 is larger than 6":

print(7 > 6)
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Definition and Usage

The True keyword is a Boolean value, and result of a comparison operation.

The True keyword is the same as 1 (False is the same as 0).

More Examples


Other comparisons that returns True:

print(5 < 6)

print(2 in [1,2,3])

print(5 is 5)

print(5 == 5)

print(5 == 5 or 6 == 7)

print(5 == 5 and 7 == 7)

print("hello" is not "goodbye")

print(not(5 == 7))

print(4 not in [1,2,3])
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Related Pages

The False keyword.

Read more about comparisons in our Python Operators Tutorial.

❮ Python Keywords

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