Python except Keyword

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If the statement raises an error print "Something went wrong":

  x > 3
  print("Something went wrong")
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Definition and Usage

The except keyword is used in try...except blocks. It defines a block of code to run if the try block raises an error.

You can define different blocks for different error types, and blocks to execute if nothing went wrong, see examples below.

More Examples


Write one message if it is a NameError, and another if it is an TypeError:

x = "hello"

  x > 3
except NameError:
  print("You have a variable that is not defined.")
except TypeError:
  print("You are comparing values of different type")
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Try to execute a statement that raises an error, but none of the defined error types (in this case, a ZeroDivisionError):

  x = 1/0
except NameError:
  print("You have a variable that is not defined.")
except TypeError:
  print("You are comparing values of different type")
  print("Something else went wrong")
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Write a message if no errors were raised:

x = 1

  x > 10
except NameError:
  print("You have a variable that is not defined.")
except TypeError:
  print("You are comparing values of different type")
  print("The 'Try' code was executed without raising any errors!")
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Related Pages

The try keyword.

The finally keyword.

❮ Python Keywords

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