Python getattr() Function

❮ Built-in Functions


Get the value of the "age" property of the "Person" object:

class Person:
  name = "John"
  age = 36
  country = "Norway"

x = getattr(Person, 'age')
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Definition and Usage

The getattr() function returns the value of the specified attribute from the specified object.


getattr(object, attribute, default)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
object Required. An object.
attribute The name of the attribute you want to get the value from
default Optional. The value to return if the attribute does not exist

More Examples


Use the "default" parameter to write a message when the attribute does not exist:

class Person:
  name = "John"
  age = 36
  country = "Norway"

x = getattr(Person, 'page', 'my message')
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Related Pages

The delattr() function, to remove an attribute

The hasattr() function, to check if an attribute exist

The setattr() function, to set the value of an attribute

❮ Built-in Functions

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