Python compile() Function

❮ Built-in Functions


Compile text as code, and the execute it:

x = compile('print(55)', 'test', 'eval')
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Definition and Usage

The compile() function returns the specified source as a code object, ready to be executed.


compile(source, filename, mode, flag, dont_inherit, optimize)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
source Required. The source to compile, can be a String, a Bytes object, or an AST object
filename Required. The name of the file that the source comes from. If the source does not come from a file, you can write whatever you like
mode Required. Legal values:
eval - if the source is a single expression
exec - if the source is a block of statements
single - if the source is a single interactive statement
flags Optional. How to compile the source. Default 0
dont-inherit Optional. How to compile the source. Default False
optimize Optional. Defines the optimization level of the compiler. Default -1

More Examples


Compile more than one statement, and the execute it:

x = compile('print(55)\nprint(88)', 'test', 'exec')
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Related Pages

The eval() Function

The exec() Function

❮ Built-in Functions

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