Python cmath.log() Method

❮ cmath Methods


Find the logarithm of a complex value:

#Import cmath Library
import cmath

#print log value of some given parameters
print (cmath.log(1+ 1j))
print (cmath.log(1, 2.5))
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Definition and Usage

The cmath.log() method returns the logarithm of a complex value.

With a single argument, this method returns the natural logarithm of that argument with base e.

With two arguments, this method returns the logarithm of the first argument (x) with the base of the second argument (base).


cmath.log(x, base)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
x Required. Specifies the value to calculate the logarithm for. If the value is 0 or a negative number, it returns a ValueError. If the value is not a number, it returns a TypeError
base Optional. The logarithmic base to use. Default is 'e'

Technical Details

Return Value: A complex value, representing the natural logarithm of a number, or the logarithm of number to base
Python Version: Changed in version 2.4
Python Changelog: The base parameter was added

❮ cmath Methods

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