PHP insteadof Keyword

❮ PHP Keywords


Use insteadof to choose methods from different traits:

trait message1 {
  public function msgA() {
    echo "My favorite color is red. ";

  public function msgB() {
    echo "My favorite number is 5. ";

trait message2 {
  public function msgA() {
    echo "My favorite color is blue. ";

  public function msgB() {
    echo "My favorite number is 7. ";

class MyClass {
  use message1, message2 {
    message1::msgA insteadof message2;
    message2::msgB insteadof message1;

$obj = new MyClass();
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Definition and Usage

The insteadof keyword allows you to select from which trait a method should be taken if more than one trait has a method with the same name.

Related Pages

The trait keyword

Read more about traits in our PHP OOP - Traits Tutorial.

❮ PHP Keywords
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