PHP mysqli poll() Function

❮ PHP MySQLi Reference

Definition and Usage

The poll() / mysqli_poll() function is used to poll connections.


Object oriented style:

$mysqli -> poll(read, error, reject, seconds, microseconds)

Procedural style:

mysqli_poll(read, error, reject, seconds, microseconds)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
read Required. Specifies a list of connections to check for outstanding results that can be read
error Required. Specifies a list of connections on which an error occurred, like query failure or lost connection
reject Required. Specifies a list of connections rejected because no asynchronous query has been run on for which the function could poll results
seconds Required. Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait
microseconds Optional. Specifies the maximum number of microseconds to wait. Default is 0

Technical Details

Return Value: The number of ready connections on success. FALSE on failure
PHP Version: 5.3+

❮ PHP MySQLi Reference
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