PHP ftp_mdtm() Function

❮ PHP FTP Reference


Get last modified time for a file on the FTP server:

// connect and login to FTP server
$ftp_server = "";
$ftp_conn = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Could not connect to $ftp_server");
$login = ftp_login($ftp_conn, $ftp_username, $ftp_userpass);

$file = "somefile.txt";

// get the last modified time
$lastchanged = ftp_mdtm($ftp_conn, $file);
if ($lastchanged != -1)
  echo "$file was last modified on : " . date("F d Y H:i:s.",$lastchanged);
  echo "Could not get last modified";

// close connection

Definition and Usage

The ftp_mdtm() function returns when the specified file was last modified.

Note: Not all servers support this function, and this function does not work with directories.


ftp_mdtm(ftp_conn, file);

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
ftp_conn Required. Specifies the FTP connection to login to
file Required. Specifies the file to check

Technical Details

Return Value: The last modified time as a Unix timestamp on success, -1 on failure
PHP Version: 4+

❮ PHP FTP Reference
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