PHP dirname() Function

❮ PHP Filesystem Reference


Return the path of the parent directory:

echo dirname("c:/testweb/home.php") . "<br />";
echo dirname("c:/testweb/home.php", 2) . "<br />";
echo dirname("/testweb/home.php");

The output of the code above will be:


Definition and Usage

The dirname() function returns the path of the parent directory.


dirname(path, levels)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
path Required. Specifies a path to check
levels Optional. An integer that specifies the number of parent directories to go up. Default is 1

Technical Details

Return Value: The path of the parent directory on success
PHP Version: 4.0+
Binary Safe: Yes, in PHP 5.0
PHP Changelog: PHP 7.0 - Added the levels parameter

❮ PHP Filesystem Reference
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