PHP trigger_error() Function

PHP Error Reference


If $usernum > 10, trigger an error:

if ($usernum>10) {
    trigger_error("Number cannot be larger than 10");
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Definition and Usage

The trigger_error() function creates a user-level error message.

The trigger_error() function can be used with the built-in error handler, or with a user-defined function set by the set_error_handler() function.


trigger_error(message, type)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
message Required. Specifies the error message for this error. Max 1024 bytes in length
type Optional. Specifies the error type for this error. Possible values:
  • E_USER_NOTICE (this is default)

Technical Details

Return Value: FALSE if wrong error type is specified, TRUE otherwise
PHP Version: 4.0.1+

PHP Error Reference
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