PHP gregoriantojd() Function

❮ PHP Calendar Reference


Convert a Gregorian date to a Julian Day Count and back to a Gregorian date:

echo $jd . "<br>";
echo jdtogregorian($jd);
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Definition and Usage

The gregoriantojd() function converts a date from the Gregorian Calendar to a Julian Day Count.

Note: Although this function can handle dates back to 4714 B.C., notice that the Gregorian calendar was not instituted until 1582, and some countries did not accept it until much later (Britain converted in 1752, USSR in 1918, and Greece in 1923). Most European countries used the Julian calendar prior the Gregorian.

Tip: Look at the jdtogregorian() function to convert a Julian Day Count to a Gregorian date.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
month Required. Specifies the month as a number from 1 to 12
day Required. Specifies the day as a number from 1 to 31
year Required. Specifies the year as a number between -4714 and 9999

Technical Details

Return Value: Returns a Julian Day number
PHP Version: 4+

❮ PHP Calendar Reference
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