PHP easter_days() Function

❮ PHP Calendar Reference


Print the number of days after March 21, that the Easter Day is/was for different years:

echo "Easter Day is ". easter_days() . " days after March 21 this year.<br />";
echo "Easter Day was ". easter_days(1990) . " days after March 21 in 1990.<br />";
echo "Easter Day was ". easter_days(1342) . " days after March 21 in 1342.<br />";
echo "Easter Day will be ". easter_days(2050) . " days after March 21 in 2050.";
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Definition and Usage

The easter_days() function returns the number of days after March 21, that the Easter Day is in the given year.

Tip: The date of Easter Day is defined as the Sunday after the first full moon which falls on or after the Spring Equinox (21st March).



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
year Optional. Specifies a year as a number. Default is the current year, local time
method Optional. Allows you to calculate easter dates based on other calendars. E.g. it uses the Gregorian calendar during the years 1582 - 1752 when set to CAL_EASTER_ROMAN

Technical Details

Return Value: Returns the number of days after March 21, that the Easter Day is in the given year
PHP Version: 4+
Changelog: In PHP 4.3 the year parameter became optional and the method parameter was added

❮ PHP Calendar Reference
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