HTML DOM Element style


Change the color of "myH1":

document.getElementById("myH1").style.color = "red";
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Get the value of a "myP"s top-border:

let value = document.getElementById("myP").style.borderTop;
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The style property returns the values of an element's style attribute.

The style property returns a CSSStyleDeclaration object.

The CSSStyleDeclaration object contains all inline styles properties for the element. It does not contain any style properties set in the <head> section or in any external style sheets.

Note 1

You cannot set a style like this: = "color:red";

You must use a CSS property like this: = "red";  
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Note 2

JavaScript syntax is slightly different from CSS syntax:
backgroundColor / background-color.

See our Full Style Object Reference.

Note 3

Use this style property instead of the The setAttribute() Method, to prevent overwriting other properties in the style attribute.

See Also:

The CSS Tutorial

The CSS Reference

The Style Object

The HTML <style> tag


Return a style property:

Set a style property: = value

Return Value

Type Description
value The value of the specified property.

For example: = "2px solid red"

Return Value

Type Description
ObjectThe element's CSSStyleDeclaration object.

Browser Support is a DOM Level 2 (2001) feature.

It is fully supported in all browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9-11

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