HTML DOM Event Objects

Event Objects

When an event occurs in HTML, the event belongs to a certain event object, like a mouse click event belongs to the MouseEvent object.

For a tutorial about Events, read our JavaScript Events Tutorial.

The Event Object

All event objects are based on the Event Object.

All event objects inherit the Event Object's properties and methods.

Object Description
Event The parent of all event objects

Event Objects

Object Handles
AnimationEvent CSS animations
ClipboardEvent Modification of the clipboard
DragEvent Drag and drop interaction
FocusEvent Focus-related events
HashChangeEvent Changes in the anchor part of an URL
InputEvent User input
KeyboardEvent Keyboard interaction
MouseEvent Mouse interaction
PageTransitionEvent Navigation between web pages
PopStateEvent Changes in the page history
ProgressEvent The progress of loading external files
StorageEvent Changes in the Web Storage
TouchEvent Touch interaction
TransitionEvent CSS transitions
UiEvent User interface interaction
WheelEvent Mouse-wheel interaction

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