HTML DOMTokenList add()

❮ The DOMTokenList Object


Add a "myStyle" class to an element:

const list = element.classList;
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Remove the "myStyle" class from an element:

const list = element.classList;
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Toggle "myStyle" on and off:

const list = element.classList;
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More examples below.


The add() method adds one (or more) tokens to a DOMTokenList.




Parameter Description
token Required.
The token(s) to add to the list.

Return Value


More Examples

Add multiple classes to the an element:

const list = element.classList;
list.add("myStyle", "anotherClass", "thirdClass");
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Get number of class tokens for an element:

const list = element.classList;
let numb = list.length;
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Get the class tokens of the "myDIV" element:

const list = document.getElementById("myDIV").classList;
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Get the first class token of an element:

let className = element.classList.item(0);
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Does an an element has a "myStyle" class token?

let x = element.classList.contains("myStyle");
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Remove "anotherClass" if an element has a "myStyle" class token.

if (element.classList.contains("mystyle")) {
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Browser Support

domtokenlist.add() is a DOM Level 4 (2015) feature.

It is supported in all modern browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

domtokenlist.add() is not supported in Internet Explorer 11 (or earlier).

❮ The DOMTokenList Object
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