onwheel Event


When the user rolls the mouse wheel over a <div> element, change its font-size:

document.getElementById("myDIV").addEventListener("wheel", myFunction);

function myFunction() {
  this.style.fontSize = "35px";
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The onwheel event occurs when the mouse wheel is rolled over an element.

The onwheel event also occurs when the user scrolls using a touchpad.



<element onwheel="myScript">
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In JavaScript:

object.onwheel = function(){myScript};
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In JavaScript, using the addEventListener() method:

object.addEventListener("wheel", myScript);
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Technical Details

Bubbles: Yes
Cancelable: Yes
Event type: WheelEvent
HTML tags: All HTML elements
DOM Version: Level 3 Events

Browser Support

onwheel is a DOM Level 3 (2004) feature.

It is fully supported in all modern browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11

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