onafterprint Event


Call a function when a page starts printing:

<body onafterprint="myFunction()">
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The onafterprint event occurs when a page starts printing.

The onafterprint event occurs when after the print dialogue box is closed.


The browser fires onafterprint and onbeforeprint so that notes, explanations and comments can be added to the printing process.

See Also:

The onbeforeprint Event



<element onafterprint="myScript">
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In JavaScript:

object.onafterprint = function(){myScript};
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In JavaScript, using the addEventListener() method:

object.addEventListener("afterprint", myScript);
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Technical Details

Bubbles: No
Cancelable: No
Event type: Event
HTML tags:  <body>
DOM Version: Level 3 Events

Browser Support

onafterprint is a DOM Level 3 (2004) feature.

It is fully supported in all modern browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11

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