MouseEvent getModifierState() Method


Is the Caps Lock key activated?

var x = event.getModifierState("CapsLock");
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The getModifierState() method returns true if the specified modifier key was pressed, or activated.

Modifier keys that are activated only when they are being pressed down:

  • Alt
  • AltGraph
  • Control
  • Meta
  • Shift

Modifier keys that are activated when they are clicked, and deactivated when they are clicked again:

  • CapsLock
  • NumLock
  • ScrollLock



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
modifierKey The key to check if is activated or not. Legal Values:

Technical Details

Return Value: A Boolean.
Returns true if the modifier key is activated
Otherwise it returns false.
DOM Version: DOM Level 3 Mouse Events.

More Examples


Is the shift key breing pressed down?

var x = event.getModifierState("Shift");
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Related Pages

HTML DOM reference: MouseEvent altKey Property

HTML DOM reference: MouseEvent ctrlKey Property

HTML DOM reference: MouseEvent metaKey Property

Browser Support

event.getModifierState is a DOM Level 3 (2004) feature.

It is fully supported in all modern browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11

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