ECMAScript 2017

JavaScript Version Numbers

Old ECMAScript versions was named by numbers: ES5 and ES6.

From 2016, versions are named by year: ES2016, 2018, 2020 ...

New Features in ECMAScript 2017

This chapter introduces the new features in ECMAScript 2017:

ES 2017 is fully supported in all modern browsers since September 2017:

Chrome 57 Edge 15 Firefox 48 Safari 11 Opera 44
Mar 2017 Apr 2017 Aug 2016 Sep 2017 Mar 2017

JavaScript String Padding

ECMAScript 2017 added two string methods to JavaScript: padStart() and padEnd() to support padding at the beginning and at the end of a string.


let text = "5";
text = text.padStart(4,0);
Try it Yourself »
let text = "5";
text = text.padEnd(4,0);
Try it Yourself »

JavaScript string padding is supported in all modern browsers since April 2017:

Chrome 57 Edge 15 Firefox 48 Safari 10 Opera 44
Mar 2017 Apr 2017 Aug 2016 Sep 2016 Mar 2017

JavaScript Object Entries

ECMAScript 2017 added the Object.entries() method to objects.

Object.entries() returns an array of the key/value pairs in an object:


const person = {
  firstName : "John",
  lastName : "Doe",
  age : 50,
  eyeColor : "blue"

let text = Object.entries(person);
Try it Yourself »

Object.entries() makes it simple to use objects in loops:


const fruits = {Bananas:300, Oranges:200, Apples:500};

let text = "";
for (let [fruit, value] of Object.entries(fruits)) {
  text += fruit + ": " + value + "<br>";
Try it Yourself »

Object.entries() also makes it simple to convert objects to maps:


const fruits = {Bananas:300, Oranges:200, Apples:500};

const myMap = new Map(Object.entries(fruits));
Try it Yourself »

Object.entries() is supported in all modern browsers since March 2017:

Chrome 47 Edge 14 Firefox 47 Safari 10.1 Opera 41
Jun 2016 Aug 2016 Jun 2016 Mar 2017 Oct 2016

JavaScript Object Values

Object.values() are similar to Object.entries(), but returns a single dimension array of the object values:


const person = {
  firstName : "John",
  lastName : "Doe",
  age : 50,
  eyeColor : "blue"

let text = Object.values(person);
Try it Yourself »

Object.values() is supported in all modern browsers since March 2017:

Chrome 54 Edge 14 Firefox 47 Safari 10.1 Opera 41
Oct 2016 Aug 2016 Jun 2016 Mar 2017 Oct 2016

JavaScript Async Functions

Waiting for a Timeout

async function myDisplay() {
  let myPromise = new Promise(function(myResolve, myReject) {
    setTimeout(function() { myResolve("I love You !!"); }, 3000);
  document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = await myPromise;


Try it Yourself »

Async functions are supported in all modern browsers since September 2017:

Chrome 55 Edge 15 Firefox 52 Safari 11 Opera 42
Dec 2016 Apr 2017 Mar 2017 Sep 2017 Dec 2016

JavaScript Trailing Commas

JavaScript allows trailing commas wherever a comma-separated list of values is accepted.

In Array and Object Literals, Function Calls, Parameters, Imports and Exports.


function myFunc(x,,,) {};
const myArr = [1,2,3,4,,,];
const myObj = {fname: John, age:50,,,};

Trailing commas are supported in all modern browsers since May 2017:

Chrome 58 Edge 14 Firefox 52 Safari 10 Opera 45
Apr 2017 Aug 2016 Mar 2017 Sep 2016 May 2017

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