Java String copyValueOf() Method

❮ String Methods


Return a String that represents certain characters of a char array:

char[] myStr1 = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'};
String myStr2 = "";
myStr2 = myStr2.copyValueOf(myStr1, 0, 5);
System.out.println("Returned String: " + myStr2);

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Definition and Usage

The copyValueOf() method returns a String that represents the characters of a char array.

This method returns a new String array and copies the characters into it.


public static String copyValueOf(char[] data, int offset, int  count)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
data A char array
offset An int value, representing the start index of the char array
count An int value, representing the length of the char array

Technical Details

Returns: A String, representing the characters of the char array
Throws: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is negative or out of reach, or if count is greater than the length of the char array, or negative

❮ String Methods
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