Java String contains() Method

❮ String Methods


Find out if a string contains a sequence of characters:

String myStr = "Hello";
System.out.println(myStr.contains("Hel"));   // true
System.out.println(myStr.contains("e"));     // true
System.out.println(myStr.contains("Hi"));    // false

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Definition and Usage

The contains() method checks whether a string contains a sequence of characters.

Returns true if the characters exist and false if not.


public boolean contains(CharSequence chars)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
CharSequence chars The characters to be searched for

The CharSequence interface is a readable sequence of char values, found in the java.lang package.

Technical Details

Returns: A boolean, indicating whether a sequence of characters exist in the specified string:
  • true - sequence of characters exists
  • false - sequence of characters do not exist
Throws: NullPointerException - if the returned value is null
Java Version: 1.5

❮ String Methods
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