UTF-8 Emoji Office


<p style="font-size:100px">&#128187;</p>
<p>I will display &#128187;</p>
<p>I will display &#x1F4BB;</p>

Will display as:

I will display 💻
I will display 💻
Try it Yourself

Office Symbols

Char Dec Hex Name
💺1281861F4BASeatTry it
💻1281871F4BBPCTry it
💼1281881F4BCBriefcaseTry it
💽1281891F4BDMini diskTry it
💾1281901F4BEFloppy diskTry it
💿1281911F4BFOptical diskTry it
📀1281921F4C0DVDTry it
📁1281931F4C1File FolderTry it
📂1281941F4C2Open file folderTry it
📃1281951F4C3Page with curlTry it
📄1281961F4C4Page facing upTry it
📅1281971F4C5CalendarTry it
📆1281981F4C6Tear-off calendarTry it
📇1281991F4C7Card indexTry it
📈1282001F4C8Upwards trendTry it
📉1282011F4C9Downwards trendTry it
📊1282021F4CABar chartTry it
📋1282031F4CBClipboardTry it
📌1282041F4CCPushpinTry it
📍1282051F4CDRound pushpinTry it
📎1282061F4CEPaperclipTry it
📏1282071F4CFStraight rulerTry it
📐1282081F4D0Triangular rulerTry it
📑1282091F4D1Bookmark tabsTry it
📒1282101F4D2LedgerTry it
📓1282111F4D3NotebookTry it
📔1282121F4D4Decorated notebookTry it
📕1282131F4D5Closed bookTry it
📖1282141F4D6Open bookTry it
📗1282151F4D7Green bookTry it
📘1282161F4D8Blue bookTry it
📙1282171F4D9Orange bookTry it
📚1282181F4DABooksTry it
📛1282191F4DBName badgeTry it
📜1282201F4DCScrollTry it
📝1282211F4DDMemoTry it
📞1282221F4DETelephone receiverTry it
📟1282231F4DFPagerTry it
📠1282241F4E0FaxTry it
📡1282251F4E1Satellite antennaTry it
📢1282261F4E2LoudspeakerTry it
📣1282271F4E3MegaphoneTry it
📤1282281F4E4OutboxTry it
📥1282291F4E5InboxTry it
📰1282401F4F0NewspaperTry it
🔋1282671F50BBatteryTry it
🔌1282681F50CPower PlugTry it
🖇1283911F587PaperclipsTry it
🖈1283921F588Black pushpinTry it
🖉1283931F589Lower pencilTry it
🖊1283941F58ABlack ballpoint penTry it
🖋1283951F58BLower fountain penTry it
🖌1283961F58CLower paintbrushTry it
🖍1283971F58DLower CrayonTry it

Phone Symbols

Char Dec Hex Name
📱1282411F4F1Mobile phoneTry it
📲1282421F4F2Mobile phone with arrowTry it
📳1282431F4F3Mobile phone vibratingTry it
📴1282441F4F4Mobile phone offTry it
📵1282451F4F5No mobile phonesTry it
📶1282461F4F6Antenna barsTry it
🕻1283791F57BLeft telephone receiverTry it
🕼1283801F57CTelephone receiver pageTry it
🕽1283811F57DRight telephone receiverTry it
🕾1283821F57EWhite touch telephoneTry it
🕿1283831F57FBlack touch telephoneTry it
🖀1283841F580Telephone on modemTry it
🖁1283851F581Clamshell mobile phoneTry it

Post Symbols

Char Dec Hex Name
📤1282281F4E4OutboxTry it
📥1282291F4E5InboxTry it
📦1282301F4E6PackageTry it
📧1282311F4E7E-mailTry it
📨1282321F4E8Envelope incomingTry it
📩1282331F4E9Envelope with down arrowTry it
📪1282341F4EAClosed mailbox low flagTry it
📫1282351F4EBClosed mailbox raised flagTry it
📬1282361F4ECOpen mailbox low flagTry it
📭1282371F4EDOpen mailbox raised flagTry it
📮1282381F4EEPosboxTry it
📯1282391F4EFPostal hornTry it
📰1282401F4F0NewspaperTry it
🖂1283861F582EnvelopeTry it
🖃1283871F583Stamped envelopeTry it
🖄1283881F584Envelope with lightningTry it
🖅1283891F585Flying envelopeTry it
🖆1283901F586Pen over envelopeTry it

Clock Faces

Char Dec Hex Name
🕐1283361F550Try it
🕑1283371F551Try it
🕒1283381F552Try it
🕓1283391F553Try it
🕔1283401F554Try it
🕕1283411F555Try it
🕖1283421F556Try it
🕗1283431F557Try it
🕘1283441F558Try it
🕙1283451F559Try it
🕚1283461F55ATry it
🕛1283471F55BTry it
🕜1283481F55CTry it
🕝1283491F55DTry it
🕞1283501F55ETry it
🕟1283511F55FTry it
🕠1283521F560Try it
🕡1283531F561Try it
🕢1283541F562Try it
🕣1283551F563Try it
🕤1283561F564Try it
🕥1283571F565Try it
🕦1283581F566Try it
🕧1283591F567Try it

Office Computer Interface

Char Dec Hex
🖥1284211F5A5Try it
🖨1284241F5A8Try it
🖱1284331F5B1Try it
🖲1284341F5B2Try it
🖼1284441F5BCTry it
🗂1284501F5C2Try it
🗃1284511F5C3Try it
🗄1284521F5C4Try it
🗑1284651F5D1Try it
🗒1284661F5D2Try it
🗓1284671F5D3Try it
🗜1284761F5DCTry it
🗝1284771F5DDTry it
🗞1284781F5DETry it
🗡1284811F5E1Try it
🗣1284831F5E3Try it
🗳1284991F5F3Try it

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