UTF-8 Emoji Audio and Video


<p style="font-size:100px">&#127909;</p>
<p>I will display &#127909;</p>
<p>I will display &#x1F3A5;</p>

Will display as:

I will display 🎥
I will display 🎥
Try it Yourself

Audio and Video

Char Dec Hex Name
🎜1279001F39CAscending notes
🎝1279011F39DDescending notes
🎞1279021F39EFilm frames
🎥1279091F3A5Movie camera
🎬1279161F3ACClapper board
📸1282481F4F8Camera with flash
📹1282491F4F9Video camera
📽1282531F4FDFilm projector
📾1282541F4FEPortable stereo
🔇1282631F507Speaker off
🔉1282651F509Speaker with sound wave
🔊1282661F50ASpeaker with sound waves
📡1282251F4E1Satellite Antenna
🕨1283601F568Right speaker
🕩1283611F569Speaker with wave
🕪1283621F56ASpeaker with waves
🕬1283641F56CBullhorn with waves
🕭1283651F56DRinging bell

AV Symbols

Char Dec Hex Name
919323E9Right double triangle
919423EALeft double triangle
919523EBUp double triangle
919623ECDown double triangle
919723EDRight double triangle with bar
919823EELeft double triangle with bar
919923EFRight triangle with bars
920423F4Left triangle
920523F5Right triangle
920623F6Up triangle
920723F7Down triangle
920823F8Doble vertical bars
920923F9Black square
921023FABlack circle
🔀1282561F500Twisted right arrows
🔁1282571F501Clockwise circle arrows
🔂1282581F502Clockwise circle arrows
🔃1282591F503Clockwise up and down arrows
🔄1282601F504Anticlockwise circle arrows
🔅1282611F505Low brightness
🔆1282621F506High brightness
🔼1283161F53CUp triangle
🔽1283171F53DDown triangle

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