AWS CloudWatch

Cloud Monitoring and Management Service - AWS CloudWatch

CloudWatch lets you monitor your resources.

It is a web-based service.

Configure the service to monitor and set alarms based on your metrics.

Read about Metrics in the AWS Documentation: CloudWatch Metrics

Monitoring and Analytics Introduction Video collaborates with Amazon Web Services to deliver digital training content to our students.

CloudWatch Alarms

CloudWatch lets you create automatic alarms.

Configure the alarms as you like.

Alarms are triggered at thresholds defined by you.

Alarms are used to control resources. For example, stop idle or near to inactive services.

Read about Alarms in the AWS Documentation: CloudWatch Alarms

CloudWatch Dashboard

Access CloudWatch from your browser.

It gives you an overview of your resources in one single view.

CloudWatch gives insights across AWS services.

You can make many dashboards based on your needs.

CloudWatch dashboard

Image created by Amazon Web Services

AWS Cloud Exercises

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CloudWatch alarms are used to  resources

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